“Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion”
W. E. Deming
Through our extensive global research, we have developed
- Tools that we use to inform change
- Tools that you use to support change
- Tools that help you continually measure change, as it’s happening
Many of our tools are described as ‘audits’ – and that’s intentional. The word ‘audit’ is derived from the latin word audire, meaning “to hear”. Only when we truly listen can we create lasting change. Our audit tools have been designed to do exactly that.

How they all fit together:
The Cultural and Board Audits are core to the way we work.
The Culture Audit
“(The impact of) The Power of Us survey has been immediate, with leaders evaluating and evolving their practice to a remarkable degree. We are now commissioning annually to ensure that this level of continuous improvement becomes an entrenched habit. Brilliant. Do it and watch all the lights go on.”
CEO, Watergrove Trust
The Culture Audit assesses 8 key elements

Board Cultural Audit (BCA)
It’s important for any organisation to know that its people and its governance are closely aligned. We created a version of the cultural audit for board members, stakeholders or shareholders.
TEAM Audit
Each of the 8 key elements of the cultural audit can be assessed individually. So, if you just need to know how your organisation is doing in terms of, say, trust, you can opt to purchase one, or more. You will still receive a report, and benchmarking data.
There are also ‘plug-in’ tools that will help you understand your potential and capacity to learn and grow.
Mindset Profile (MP)
A critical part of organisational learning, and culture. An individual – and group – analysis that uncovers how we approach risk, curiosity, empathy, change, and more…
Leadership Profile (LP)
A tool that assesses the capacity for distributing leadership as widely as possible. How fit for purpose is your leadership development? Areas covered include self-awareness, developing others, building psychological safety, strengths-based leadership, and much more.
Learning Capability Analysis (LCA)
Your organisation’s ability to learn is key to its agility and capacity for change – and it’s measurable. Our LCA ranks your organisational support for mastery, open & social learning, failure tolerance, collaboration, open innovation, curiosity, network-building, and more.
Finally, the Change Readiness Tool will inform decisions on speed, scope and scale of realistic change, and how your culture may help, or hinder, that.
Change Readiness Tool (CRT)
Before embarking upon change, leaders need to ask ‘how prepared are we for change? What is our ‘response-ability’ for change?’ We believe in the following formula:
R = (M+L) x C
Readiness = (Mindset+ Learning Capability) x Culture.
By careful use of metrics, we can advise on when is the right time to change, or what needs to be done to ensure the change process is successful.
Our team has four successful books under our collective belt, with another on the way (The Power Of Us Toolkit, to be published in December 2021). Our approach has been a mix of fieldwork, theoretical analysis, and industry experience. We’ve recorded interviews with some of the most inspiring leaders around the world, created tools and activities, and commissioned surveys and research projects. Over time, we will make them available here, as a gift to the movement for progressive, people-powered organisations.
We wanted to see how organisations around the world – big and small, public and private – had changed as a result of the pandemic. We also wanted to see what their priorities were beyond the pandemic. The headlines from the survey can be downloaded HERE.

Our first tranche of inspiring organisations is out. Here’s some of the wisdom that their visionary leaders shared with us. For access to many more interviews, subscribe to our YouTube Channel HERE.
Commissioned writings, opinion pieces, blog posts. Click on the descriptor to read the piece.
Pirates and Mice
by Joseph Bloggs
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Fate Without a Conscience
by Joseph Bloggs
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Heirs and Owls
More to come…